Register for a Free Trust Seminar Today!
Wednesday April 23rd
11:00AM to 1:00PM
The Golf Club at Rio Vista Monarch Grill
1000 Summerset Drive
Rio Vista, CA 94571
Refreshments Provided

Our Incredible, Invaluable Free Trust Seminar
You will learn the differences between a Will and a Trust. You will also learn how sickness impacts the estate- when and how to use a Financial and Medical Power of Attorney.
You will learn what the Probate Process entails, and how your family can avoid it! We discuss probate procedures, fees, and the snags.
You will learn how to eliminate or reduce all government taxes and reappraisals- so that your family can inherit the estate free and clear!
You will learn what the $899.00 includes: Trust, Pour-over Will, Financial Power of Attorney, Advanced Health Care Directive, other ancillary documents, free in-home Notary services, free trust reviews.
Our Vision & Our Mission
Our mission is to provide affordable Estate Planning services for the average American family throughout their lifetime. Quite simply, we have found that recurring charges for needed consults and amendments drive people away from their Estate Planning attorney – people fail to keep up their estate plan to reflect their life changes for fear of incurring additional legal fees! We also provide future Amendment changes, $350 per hour (Depends on the number of changes needed at one given time)
A Revocable Living Trust (sometimes called a “Living Trust”, “Family Trust” or simply “Trust”) is an entity created to avoid the expensive probate process and to allow you to decide how you want your assets distributed after your death. A Living Trust keeps family cohesion and allows your wishes to be fulfilled quickly and without additional fees and charges. It is the greatest gift you can give your family.
In our free Revocable Living Trust seminars, we explain what a trust is and how it works. We also help you decide how you would like your assets to be distributed and guide you how to select who in your family will distribute the estate.
Included in the $899.00 seminar price, your estate plan includes many other documents and services that are invaluable to you and those you leave behind. We draft a Last Will and Testament for each spouse, Financial Power of Attorney, Advance Health Care Directive, and other documents needed to transfer your assets into your trust.
Notary service for the initial estate plan is provided free of charge. We also provide future Amendment changes, $350 per hour (Depends on the number of changes needed at one given time)